Local Roads to Austerity
How have urban politics and policies interacted with austerity?
Apr 10, 2018
Welcome back, austerity readers! This week marks the first round of new content from our March 2018 workshop! We have many weeks of interesting items, and we're working on some new ideas to keep things fresh.
Our first paper from the second workshop is by Dr. Carlo Fanelli (York University, Canada) on the ways that urban spaces are constructed to facilitate production and accumulation, and lately, through austerity. Carlo carefully articulates austerity not as the simple 'withdrawal of the state' but as the restructuring of it and how it interacts with business and citizens. He explores these interactions in urbanism in Canada, paying close attention to how asymetrical federalism across the three levels of government in Canada have shaped urban areas and priorities. Dr. Fanelli concludes by considering how the trajectories he discusses shape the capacities for alternative urban configurations.
You can find the full paper on our Research Page under 'Spending, Reform, and Marketization'. We will also have Dr. Fanelli's presentation in the coming weeks!
To learn more about Dr. Fanelli, check out his faculty profile: http://people.laps.yorku.ca/people.nsf/researcherprofile?readform&shortname=fanelli
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