Urban Austerity
How does austerity operate at the local level in Canada?
Oct 09, 2018
This week we feature the presentation tied to Dr. Carlo Fanelli's (York University, Canada) paper on the interaction between urban policies and austerity. Carlo looks at how complex - and asymmetrical - federalist fiscal and intergovernmental policies have changed over time to devolve more fiscal and policy responsibility to cities. However, local governments have far lower revenue generating capacities than the provinces and federal government. As a result, municipal governments have their priorities and possibilities already constrained by intergovernmental fiscal policy.
You can find the presentation on our Research Page under 'Spending, Reform, & Marketization'. We also posted the full paper from Carlo several weeks ago!
To learn more about Dr. Fanelli, check out his faculty profile: http://people.laps.yorku.ca/people.nsf/researcherprofile?readform&shortname=fanelli
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