RDC News: January 2016
Upcoming hours, new data sets at RDC, and employment insurance coverage survey (2014).
Jan 01, 2016
Upcoming Hours:
Mills library is now re-opened after the holidays. All hours are back to normal, with no exceptions for the rest of January. Please consult the schedule for Mills Library for more information.
New data sets at the RDC:
In the upcoming weeks we will be receiving new data sets and surveys at the McMaster Research Data Centre. Please see the information below. Researchers interested in accessing these data sets are encouraged to submit proposals!
Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (2014)
The Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS) explores coverage of the employment insurance program. It provides a picture of who does or does not have access to employment insurance regular benefits. There is also information on maternity and parental benefits. The survey focuses on those with a low probability of receiving benefits, such as those who are jobless or in situations of underemployment; this includes the long-term jobless, labour market entrants and students, people becoming unemployed after uninsured employment, people who have left jobs voluntarily and individuals who are eligible, given their employment history, but do not claim or otherwise receive benefits. Researchers will also be able to analyze the characteristics of those not covered by El and those who have exhausted El benefits. This is a cross-sectional survey administered to a sub-sample of individuals in the Labour Force Survey.
Researchers doing work on employment, benefits, labour, and social assistance may find this data set useful.
For further details, please go to the information page on the Employment Insurance Coverage Survey at the Statistics Canada website: http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl? Function=getSurvey&SDDS=4428&lang=en&db=imdb&adm=8&dis=2
The McMaster RDC is now accepting proposals for work with this data. For information on the application process, please visit: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/rdc/process